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Saturday, October 5, 2013

FOLDING_ Project 005

Project 005

FOLDINGintelligent assembly

This time I try to keep it simple. My idea was to bring the fan paper/flower to Digital Projects.

I started with a part that will be the principal element in the entire design. I used some constraints as always just to manage better the outputs of the project.

I did also a framework as a part.

After having my part I did a product with two of this parts and the framework.

Then I combined three of this products in an other product. 

After this I used this last product in the assembly of my final object.

Finally I used my parameters to obtain different outputs. 

I also started to change the value of the angle on my original part. This give me many kind of flowers.

Then I test my parameter to fold my flower with a "different" flower only to see if it works... and it did.

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