Project 001a
SKETCHING THE PLAN _ church of Water by Tadao Ando
Church of Water _ Tadao Ando |
Simplify geometry _ Church of Water |
In this example, I try to keep it simple to understand how the constrain can work in the design process of Digital Project. Thus the decision to choose a project characterize by its geometry, I work with the Church of Water of Tadao Ando.
Plan construction |
This plan is composed by two square of different sizes. All the design turns around one measure and different geometrical relations. The main dimension is "a" which correspond to half of the side of the little square. I started to link every point or side of the squares through coincidence, mid points, perpendicularity, parallelism and relations between dimension through the use of formula. All these made the connection between both elements very strong.
Geometry in Digital Project |
Then I realized that the project became rigid so I started to eliminated some constraints. This make the project more dynamic, giving me a variety of geometrical outputs every time I modified dimension, points position or lines directions.
Removing constrains 1
Removing constraints 2 |
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